Before talking about how to crack online baccarat in online casinos, let’s first understand how professional veterans in Macau casinos play baccarat. Card decks (including 8 decks) will be added when updating, and then start recording from the first hand; then it is to watch the road and play the ropeway. Before the direction is clear, they use both the banker and the player to place a minimum bet at the same time. , to keep themselves in a state of neither losing nor winning; when the road is clear, they will start betting until the road is broken; when the road is clear, they will start betting. The definition of an open circuit varies and is a rule of thumb. Some people think that a circuit break is a circuit break, some peop Casinole think that a circuit break will start from the next three ways, and some people will look at the timing of the circuit break and continue as long as the circuit is not completely broken; table and will not rush to wait for another deck of cards.
Teach you to crack online baccarat
First of all, you must understand that most of the profits of online baccarat are amateur gamblers like you, rather than professional gamblers who know their way, because amateur gamblers are always the biggest players in the entertainment city. Customers, so there is no need to deliberately break the circuit, but when the probability changes, the possibility of circuit breakage must be greater; In addition, you must know a very important concept Casino, because baccarat is the easiest game due to the different rules of the banker and the player. to change the probability. The most important is the “4” card. The more 4, the easier it is to open the dealer, and the less 4, the easier it is to open the idler. For ordinary players, except that the number 4 increases and is not easy to be found, psychologically, most amateur players in the world prefer to bet on the player rather than the banker, because the intuitive reaction is that the player will want to play. As opposed to “bookmaker” casinos, they don’t take a 5% cut of the betting player’s money when they win.
Seeing this, you might say, then you can play the dealer. In fact, it takes about 16,000 decks of cards for the de Casinoaler to meet them when the probabilistic set of cards does not change. The stable value of the original probability, and even if the increase of 4 changes the probability (I am not saying that the increased card must be 4, but 4 can make the result change the most, so we use 4 to calculate it, if the increase or decrease is other numbers , the change probability is slightly smaller), a deck of 8 cards can produce 68 effective results on average (about 4 to 6 groups are subtracted after deducting the cut cards) ), while the general dealer can only have more than 0.2-0.4 wins, Such a change is nothing to you.
What we want to grasp is the overall change, and we aim at the parts that are easy to see through intuitive vision.
1. Th Casinoe probability of being idle for a long time will be reduced. As long as you see 6 idles in a row, kill the dragon bravely. If you have more chips, you can start with 5 consecutive idles. The occurrence rate from 6 consecutive idlings to 8 consecutive idlings is less than 4%. , That is to say, if you cut 100 times, you will succeed 96 times.
2. When there are more than 6 consecutive double jumps (Xianxian Zhuang, Xianxian Zhuang, Zhuang), the probability of breaking idle and adding Zhuang will continue to increase with the increase of the number of double jumps. After 6 times, it will reach about 75%. That is to say, at the 6th double jump, you have a 75% chance of winning the dealer. Even if you fail, your next hand has an 80% Casinochance of success. The compound success rate is 95%, that is to say, every time you press 100 times, you will succeed 95 times; if the sixth double jump is a free jump, you can wait for the seventh time to do it, and the compound success rate at this time is almost 99%. .
3. When a deck of cards “wins first – banker wins” is greater than 12, the probability of the banker’s win is about twice that of the player’s win. You can win 2 hands with one hand. Even if you fail, when the number is greater than 14, the probability of the banker winning is more than 3 times that of the player. That is to say, as long as you lose 2 hands and raise consecutively, you have a 97% chance to keep it and not lose. There is a 73% chance of winning.